"But when I saw THE HOUSE OF ARTEMIS that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their brilliancy"[serie "देवीमाहात्म्यम" nº2; versão 0.03]

Oh lord help my lord
lord help the human race
lord help the human race
because we're all tied together
and we face the rising sun
oh lord help
go help the Motherless children in this life
because we're all tied together
and we face the moon and sun ***


The female's body unbearable hiddenness applies to all aspects of men's dealing with women. What does it look like in there? Did she have an orgasm? Is it really my child? Who was my real father? Mystery shrouds woman's sexuality. This mystery is the main reason for the imprisionment man has imposed on women...Evey woman's body contains a cell of archaic night, where all knowing must stop.


With the rebirth of the gods in the massive idolatries of popular culture, with the eruption of sex and violence into every corner of the ubiquitous mass media, Judeo-Christianity is facing its most serious challenge... The latent paganism of western culture has burst forth again in all its daemonic vitality.


Paganism recognized, honored, and feared nature's daemonism, and it limited sexual expression by ritual formulae. Christianity was a development of Dionisyan mystery religion which paradoxically tried to suppress nature in favour of a transcendental other world...Chthonian nature, embodied in great goddess figures, was Christianity's most formidable opponent.


Every menstruating or childbearing woman is a pagan and primitive cast back to those distant ocean shores from which we have never fully evolved. On the streets of every city, prostitutes, the world's oldest profession, stand as a rebuke to sexual morality. They are the daemonic face of natur, initiates of pagan mysteries. Prostitutes, pornographers, and their patrons are marauders in the forest of archaic night.


Art is a ritualistic binding of the perpetual motion machine that is nature. The first artist was a tribal priest casting a spell, fixing nature's daemonic energy in a moment of perpetual stillness. Fixation is at the heart of art, fixation as statis and fixation as obsession. Art is spell binding...Contemplation is a magic art.

Art is order.


Particularly in modern times, when high art has been shoved to the to the periphery of culture, is it evident that art is agressive and compulsive. The artist makes art not to save humankind but to save himself. Every benevolent remark by an artist is a fog to cover his tracks, the bloody trail of his assault against reality and others *

The Temple of Artemis also called Artemision in Greek, and Artemisium in Latin (440 BC, at Ephesus (present day Turkey)), figured in the classic lists of the Seven Wonders of the World drawn up in Alexandria. It took 120 years to build, and was started by King Croesus of Lydia. Scarcely anything remains at the site.

As described by Antipater of Sidon; who compiled a list of the Seven Wonders:

"I have set eyes on the wall of lofty Babylon on which is a road for chariots, and the statue of Zeus by the Alpheus, and the hanging gardens, and the colossus of the Sun, and the huge labour of the high pyramids, and the vast tomb of Mausolus; but when I saw the house of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their brilliancy, and I said, 'Lo, apart from Olympus, the Sun never looked on aught so grand."

Antipater, Greek Anthology (IX.58)

Artemis was the Greek goddess, the virginal huntress and twin of Apollo, who supplanted the Titan Selene as Goddess of the Moon. Of the Olympian goddesses who inherited aspects of the Great Goddess of Crete, Athene was more honored than Artemis at Athens. At Ephesus a goddess whom the Greeks associated with Artemis was passionately venerated in an archaic, certainly pre-Hellenic icon **

* Camille Paglia: "Sexual Personae"

**in http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Temples/ArtemisEphesusTemple.html

*** Variação sobre a letra do tema "Lord help the poor and needy" de Cat Power, ela mesmo uma variação sobre o mesmo tema original de Jessie Mae Hemphill

3- Artemis/Diana

oh, how time flies, with crystal clear eyes*

In the woods there grew a tree
And a fine fine tree was he

And on that tree there was a limb
And on that limb there was a branch
And on that branch there was a nest
And in that nest there was an egg
And in that egg there was a bird
And from that bird a feather came
And of that feather was
A bed

And on that bed there was a girl
And on that girl there was a man
And from that man there was a seed
And from that seed there was a boy
And from that boy there was a man
And for that man there was a grave
From that grave there grew
A tree

In the Summerisle,
Summerisle, Summerisle, Summerisle wood
Summerisle wood.

Oh come child, Come and rescue me 'cause you have seen some Unbelievable things*

* Cat Power "Crossbone Child"
Mediaeval Baebes "Summerisle ( The Maypole Song )".
Fotos: Artemis/Diana, fonte: http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/Artemis.html


Life is short but love is strong [versão 0.02]

Qual é a quintessência da rocha?

A grandiosidade imponente da escarpa,
Ou a areia da praia.

Qual é a quintessência do sabre?

o cem vezes dobrado, inquebrável, aço
ou o fio da sua lâmina

Qual é a quintessência da nespereira?

A firmeza e força do tronco
Ou a doce e vulnerável nêspera

Qual é a quintessência da pele?

As duras escamas do crocodilo
Ou a tua pele em “pele de galinha”

Qual a quintessência da água?
Um imenso oceano
Ou uma fonte

Qual é a quintessência do mundo?

O que é grandioso, forte, duro, firme,
Ou o que é vulnerável, suave, doce, macio? *

Grow up children, don't you suffer At the hands of one another. If you like a sleeping demon, Listen can you hear him weeping Tears of joy and tears of sorrow. He buys love to sell tomorrow. My life ain't no holiday I've been through the point of no return, I've seen what a man can do, I've seen all the hate of a woman too.

Life is short but love is strong. There lies a hope that I have found And if you try you'll find it too. **

* "Orientações", por 0.03
** "Vanishing point", por New Order
fotos: Praia da Adraga, 0.03


देवीमाहात्म्यम ("Glory of the Goddess") [versão 0.05]

* The quest romance of male sex is a war between identity and annihilation. An erection is a hope for objectivity, for power to act as a free agent. But at the climax of his success, woman is pulling the male back to her bosom, drinking and quelling his energy...Woman and nature stand ever ready to reduce the male to boy and infant.
The operations of sex are convulsive, from intercourse through menstruation and childbirth: tension and distention, spasm, contraction, expulsion, relief. The body is wrenched in serpentine swelling and sloughing. Sex is not the pleasure principle but the Dionysian bondage of pleasure-pain. So much is a matter of overcoming resistance, in the body or the beloved, that rape will always be a danger. Male sex is a repetition-compulsion: whatever a man writes in the commentary of his phallic projections must be rewritten again and again. Sexual man is the magician sawing the lady in half, yet the serpent head and tail always live and rejoin. Projection is a male curse: forever to need something or someone to make oneself complete. This is one of the sources of art and the secret of its historical domination by males. The artist is the closest man has come to imitating woman's superb self-containment.

3- Artemis de Ephesus

Everything is melting in nature. We think we see objects but out eyes are slow and partial. Nature is blooming and withering in long puffy respirations, rising and falling in oceanic wave-motion. A mind that opened itself fully to nature without sentimental preconception would be glutted by nature's coarse materialism, its relentless superfluity...See nature spuming and frothing, its mad spermatic bubbles endlessly spilling out and smashing in that inhuman round of waste, rot and carnage... This is the chthonian black magic with which we are infected as sexual beings; this is the daemonic identity that Christianity so inadequately defines as original sin and thinks it can cleanse of us . Procreative woman is the most troublesome obstacle to Christianity's claim to catholicity, testified by its wishful doctrines of Immaculate Conception and Virgin Birth. The procreativeness of chthonian nature is an obstacle to all of western metaphysics and to each man in his quest for identity against his mother. Nature is the seething excess of being.

The most effective weapon against the flux of nature is art.

...e que, pela gloriosa intercessão da bem-aventurada sempre Virgem..., sejamos livres da presente tristeza e gozemos da eterna alegria...
...Vos rogamos que envieis as Legiões Celestes para que às Vossas ordens persigam e combatam os demónios por toda a parte, refreando a sua audácia e precipitando-os no abismo...

* in "Sexual Personae", Camille Paglia

2- Mary 13 May
The Devi Mahatmya (Sanskrit: devīmāhātmyam, देवीमाहात्म्यम्, "Glory of the Goddess") is the first religious text to define the Supreme Reality (God) as a female principle. It is a synthesis of the then prevailing local Mother goddess cults of Aryan and non-Aryan origin. The three episodes of the text may be considered allegories of outer and inner experience. In it the Goddess is Shakti, power itself, beyond the patriarchal relegation of consorting with any eclipsing male deity or patriarchal construct. Here, for the first time, "the various mythic, cultic and theological elements relating to diverse female divinities were brought together in what has been called the 'crystallization of the Goddess tradition."
The entire text is considered one mantra.

Durga, also called Divine Mother, protects mankind from evil and misery by destroying evil forces such as selfishness, jealousy, prejudice, hatred, anger, and ego. The worship of Goddess Durga is very popular among Hindus. She is also called by many other names, such as Parvati, Bhavani, and Kali In the form of Parvati, She is known as the divine spouse of Lord Shiva and is the mother of Her two sons, Ganesha and Karttikeya.

Vós que recebestes de Deus o poder e a missão de esmagar a cabeça de Satanás, humildemente Vos rogamos que envieis as Legiões Celestes para que às Vossas ordens persigam e combatam os demónios por toda a parte, refreando a sua audácia e precipitando-os no abismo. Ó Bondosa e Carinhosa Mãe, Vós sereis sempre o nosso amor e a nossa esperança.

Senhor Deus, nós Vos suplicamos que concedais aos vossos servos perpétua saúde de alma e de corpo; e que, pela gloriosa intercessão da bem-aventurada sempre Virgem Maria, sejamos livres da presente tristeza e gozemos da eterna alegria. Por Cristo Nosso Senhor.

As transcendent, she is the heavenly queen who descends from time to time to maintain harmony on earth. [...] In her role as cosmic queen, warrior goddess, and demon slayer, [...]

no contexto do Devi-mahatmya acima e abaixo citado, o excerto de uma carta da irmã Lúcia a falar sobre António Salazar (imagem acima), aquilo que concluo é, mais uma vez, desconfiemos sempre da transcendência e das formas de harmonia na terra transcendentemente"ditadas". Não existe, fora do discurso e dos sonhos, tal coisa como a transcendente Virgem Santíssima que desce dos céus; existe a terra e as suas criaturas e a sua creatividade; imanência.

[...] As immanent in the world Durga is equated with the earth.
she is the world, she is all this.As the earth itself she conveys cosmic stability [...] She is the foundation of all creatures and that which nourishes all creatures [...] she provides the world with food from her own body.


A Virgem Shanti não existe fora do mundo dos mitos criado pelo discurso humano. E o "poder" apropria-se do discurso pela posse dos meios amplificadores da propaganda.
(aproveita-se esta ocasião para celebrar a visita de Diamanda Galàs a Lisboa no passado dia 1o de Maio, na aula Magna. Foto entre os santos pastorinhos)

1- Durga Mata

The Devi-mahatmya makes a point at several places to say that she is the world, she is all this. As the earth itself she conveys cosmic stability. She is the foundation of all creatures and that which nourishes all creatures. As the embodiment of the earth she supports, protects, and mothers all beings. As Sakambhan she provides the world with food from her own body. In her role as cosmic queen, warrior goddess, and demon slayer, Durga in effect protects herself in her aspect as the-earth itself.

immanent in the world Durga
is equated with the earth.

transcendent, she is the heavenly queen who descends from time to time to maintain harmony on earth.


The Devi Mahatmya (Sanskrit: devīmāhātmyam, देवीमाहात्म्यम्, "Glory of the Goddess") is the first religious text to define the Supreme Reality (God) as a female principle. The text is a compilation and synthesis of far older myths and legends, skillfully integrated into a single narrative.

The entire text is considered one mantra.

Devi Mahatmya (DM) is based on the Samkhya philosophy.

It is a synthesis of the then prevailing local Mother goddess cults of Aryan and non-Aryan origin.

The three episodes of the text may be considered allegories of outer and inner experience.

Written sometime around the sixth century AD in Sanskrit it tells of the Goddess's various mythological exploits. To this day it is used in the worship of the Goddess and is greatly revered by her devotees.

Her most important role is to protect the world from demons and she does so from time to time by assuming various forms. The author of the DM, that is, has clearly modeled the Goddess in important ways on certain male gods of the Hindu pantheon.

The Goddess's character, or "personality," however, is distinctive and centers around her most popular epithets Ambika and Candika. The former name emphasizes her motherly qualities and the later emphasizes her fierce qualities.

The Goddess as the fierce mother
expresses a coincidence of opposites.

This aspect of her character,
it is argued, expresses the ambiguities inherent in human existence itself.

The Goddess expresses both the Hindu emphasis upon the
warm, nurturing nature of existence (the world of dharma and the abundance of prakrti) and the emphasis on the ephemeral, limited, painful aspects of the phenomenal world.


Domingo das línguas de fogo

Feast of the Coronation of the Emperor of the Holy Spirit

This description of a unique Portuguese feast, related to the Order of Christ, seems to me to be resonant of ancient mysteries and inner workings. The description was extracted and condensed by a friend from "Do Imperio do Espirito Santo ao Imperio da Filosofia" by Antonio Quadros, pp 326 - 339, in Memorias das Origens, Saudades do Futuro:

It is a "unique" Feast created by the Portuguese, for Portuguese citizens only or those of Portuguese speaking countries or communities, to experience as a Pentecostal act.

Probably dates back to the early 14th century by way of Dom Dinis, Isabel his Queen, the Franciscans of the Convent of Alenquer (note: Queen Isabel purportedly had a prophetic dream in which she saw the plans for the (future) Church of the Holy Spirit in Alenquer and immediately sent word to the "judges" of that town and ordered them to send four masons and six workers to begin construction of the foundations on that site...), intimately tied to the Order of Christ who took it on its voyages of discovery and settlement to Madeira, the Azores and elsewhere. The Feast is however circumscribed to those places where Portuguese is spoken, in Brazil, in the Azorean immigrant communities in the USA, and here and there in (continental) Portugal, namely Penedo and Tomar. It is strongest however on all the islands of the Azores where it has deep roots.

The feast joins the sacred and the profane in a grassroots and spontaneous fashion, and to which, in older times, royalty, the aristocracy and the knights also joined in a display of universal brotherhood...

...the symbolic tongues of fire of the Divine Paraclete, all bear witness to a grand universal project...

What this feast does on an annual basis is to ritualize the prophecy of the future Empire of the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Truth, which is called ruah by the Jews; pneuma by the Greeks and spiritus by the Latins...

The Feast of the Coronation of the Emperor of the Holy Spirit symbolizes also another prophecy: not only peace on earth and good will among men, but also the reconciliation among the three great religions of the Book, perhaps among all the religions of the world through the means of the symbolism of the hovering dove, the tongues of fire and the Spirit of Truth...

"Não o esqueçamos neste altura do nosso livro: era o projecto político da sinarquia templária, herdada pela Ordem de Cristo, o Império (do Espírito Santo) acima dos Reinos e dos vários Cultos de origem bíblica monoteísta e até dos pagãos.
Mas tal projecto só seria verdadeiramente viável através de uma teoria laicista, qual a preconizada por um Dante, que, sob o domínio carismático de um Imperador directamente
ungido e coroado por Deus-Espírito, pudesse esbater o poder radicalista das ortodoxias religiosas. Se todo o domínio espiritual fosse destas, o diálogo tornar-se-ia impossível devido ao rigorismo teológico dos eclesiásticos.
Mas se, mesmo com o predomínio religioso do Cristianismo, o acento recaísse sobre o Espírito Santo, sobre a Terceira Pessoa, sobre o Quinto Evangelho ou sobre o Evangelho Eterno, quiçá fosse possível aceder à concepção de um

Homem de outro Deus maior

, no verso de Pessoa, de um Deus-Espírito no qual coubessem o Deus trinitário do Cristianismo e ainda Jeová e Alah, e mesmo o Deus Desconhecido ou aqueles Deuses únicos e recônditos cujo Mistério subjaz a todos os Politeísmos.
Como aboná-lo?

Talvez começando por recordar a tolerância religiosa vigente em terra portuguesa até que a Contra-Reforma entre nós penetrasse ;
a liberdade de que gozaram islamitas e judeus...

in "Portugal, Razão e Mistério", por António Quadros, volume II, página 154



MãeDay [versão 0.04]

Welcome to the cruel world. Hope you find your way. Oh- Oh- it's a cruel world. Try to enjoy your stay. Yes, it is a cruel world when you're tryin' to get by. Don't know how we've lasted here so long. And if you get up to Heaven before I do, I'm gonna tell ya, it's gonna be cruel there too, cruel there too. You can't hide from this cruel world cause there is no place to run. It's been cruel from the beginning, it will be cruel when we're done. Welcome to the cruel world,welcome,welcome. Hope you find your way. Try to enjoy your stay

Queira o céu que o leitor, tornado audaz e momentanemente feroz à semelhança do que lê, encontre sem se desorientar, o seu caminho abrupto e selvagem através dos lodaçais desolados destas páginas sombrias e cheias de veneno;

pois que, a não ser que utilize na sua leitura uma lógica rigorosa e uma tensão de espírito pelo menos igual à sua desconfiança, as emanações mortais deste livro irão embeber-lhe a alma, como a água ao açucar.

Não convém que toda a gente leia as páginas que se seguem; só alguns hão-de saborear sem perigo este fruto amargo.

Por consequência, ò alma tímida, antes de penetrares mais longe em tais domínios inexplorados, dirige os teus passos para trás e não para a frente.

Ouve bem o que te digo: dirige os teus passos para trás e não para a frente, como os olhos de um filho que se afasta respeitosamente da contemplação augusta do rosto materno.*

O silêncio absoluto como única resposta possível,
face ao horror nascido dos próprios sentimentos maternos pela criatura que dentro dela se gerou.
Criatura exigente, tirana, turbilhão de contradições biológicas e laços emocionais asfixiantes.

Nunca antes ninguém tinha tocado neste "assunto". Assim, face a face. Persona, de Ingmar Bergman.
Depois de Bergman, talvez apenas Lloyd de Mause, ou James Grotstein.

Eu próprio tento desviar, por vários estratagemas já antigos, a minha atenção para fora da esfera perturbadora e penitencial deste pensamentos, memórias e cogitações. Mas nada me levará a, mais uma vez, adiar o confronto com estes pantanais sombrios onde se esconde o verdadeiro rosto da minha desgraça e infelicidade.

Ao perceber os sentimentos de Elisabeth Vogler a atriz (desempenhado por Liv Ullman), despejados cruamente naquela confissão depois de decidir quebrar o silêncio,
ao perceber tão cristalinamente como só numa confissão total, secreta, se poderia exprimir, os sentimentos de Elisabeth Vogler pelo seu próprio bebé,
os sentimentos que a ela própria horrorizaram e encheram de uma culpa atroz mas superficial,

pensei perceber finalmente algo do que se poderia ter passado talvez dentro da minha própria mãe.

E com isso logrei talvez entender o que se poderia ter passado dentro de mim próprio, anos depois, em plena adolescência quando desejei que ela pudesse morrer, para que eu pudesse sentir a falta dela, para que eu pudesse sentir ternura por ela, e alguma compaixão pela minha própria dor e ódios incompreensíveis e inaceitáveis à luz da piedade filial.

Preferível a dor do luto, a dor de órfão, a raiva contra o destino cruel que teria levado aquela que me pôs no mundo,
do que a dor horrenda e enlouquecedore que brotava da mistura entre o ódio e a falta.

Buddham saranam gacchami Dhammam saranam gacchami Sangham saranam gacchami

I take refuge in the Buddha I take refuge in the Dharma I take refuge in the Sangha Buddha is the enlightened being, Dharma is the teaching, and Sangha is the community.

Durante a minha vida acho que tentei de todas as formas não pensar nestes "assuntos". De qualquer modo não tinha forma de as pensar. Muito do que faço sem pensar na vida é provavelmente reflexo destes assuntos em que não me é possível pensar, em que é preciso fazer tudo para afastar da consciência tais sentimentos e cogitações.

A roda da vida torna e retorna, e por vezes como um suplício rodamos na roda. Procuramos alívio, logramos desmaiar e deambular pela existência semi-acordados, aliviados temporariamente pela misericórdia de morpheus.

A minha esperança, é que possamos por vezes encontrar paz verdadeira, absolvição, mas acredito que esse estado necessite do confronto com os nossos horrores, e pelo que me foi dado verificar ao longo da minha conturbada, mas afinal afortunada existência, não acredito que a fuga a eles possa alguma vez dar frutos.
ou flores,
ou mel.

e ás vezes é preciso ir ainda mais longe na escavação.
Mesmo quando o auge do pavor e da incredulidade parece ter feito chegar a sinfonia do assombro ao seu clímax e desfecho,
e o Mal no seu rosto final parece ter-se desvelado dentro do próprio coração,

não, é preciso ir ainda mais fundo e compreender as raízes destas flores carnívoras que nos digerem lentamente por dentro da alma.

With a handful of exceptions (The Seventh Seal, The Serpent’s Egg) where the director goes in somewhat different directions, Bergman’s movies break down into three broad groups: the ones where men torment women, the ones where women torment men, and the ones where men and women torment each other.


Women, not men, are at the core of Bergman’s work; beautiful women trapped in loveless marriages, beautiful women tricked into having children they do not want, beautiful women browbeaten into aborting children they were prepared to adore.

As a rule, their spouses, lovers, partners in adultery, or stage-door-johnnies are oafs, roués, self-involved scumbags or middle-aged lechers on the prowl for fresh talent.

Bergman’s movies are not about the meaning of life; they are about the meaning of love. And men in Ingmar Bergman movies give love a bad name.

* texto inicial: "Cantos de Maldoror", Lautreamont


MayDay [versão 0.02]

May Day is May 1, and refers to any of several holidays celebrated on this day. May 1 was a traditional summer holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures, and many elements of these holidays are still celebrated on May 1 today, such as the Maypole. While February 1 was the first day of Spring, May 1 was the first day of summer: hence, the summer solstice on June 25 (now the 22nd) was "midsummer."

In the Roman Catholic tradition, May is observed as Mary's month, and May Day is usually a celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In this connection, Mary's head (in works of art, school skits, etc.) will often be adorned with flowers. Another May Day tradition (fading in popularity since the late 20th century) is the giving of May baskets, small baskets of candy and/or flowers, usually left anonymously on neighbors' doorsteps.

May Day also refers to various socialist and labor movement celebrations conducted on May 1.

In addition, May Day in the United States is commonly regarded — at least by certain groups — as a commemoration of the execution of the Haymarket martyrs who were arrested after the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago, Illinois, which occurred on May 4, but was the culmination of labor unrest which began on May 1. The date consequently became established as an anarchist and socialist holiday during the 20th century, and in these circles it is often known as International Workers' Day or Labour Day. In this form, May Day has become an international

celebration of the social and economic achievements of the working class and labor movement.

The earliest May Day celebrations appeared in pre-Christian Europe, as in the Celtic celebration of Beltane, and the Walpurgis Night of the Germanic countries. Although the pagan-oriented celebrations faded as Europe became Christianised, a more secular version of the holiday continued to be observed in the schools and churches of Europe well into the 20th century. In this form, May Day may be best known for its tradition of dancing the Maypole and crowning of the Queen of the May.

Maio Maduro Maio, Quem te quebrou o encanto Nunca te amou
Maio com meu amigo
Quem dera já
Sempre depois do trigo Se cantará Qu'importa a fúria do mar Que a voz não te esmoreça Vamos lutar

Numa rua comprida El-rei pastor Vende o soro da vida Que mata a dor
Venham ver, Maio nasceu