A Declaração de Inocência .|. The Declaration of Innocence (2)

Os homens e as mulheres castigam-se indiscriminadamente,
a memória envena a cada segundo os deuses novos

apenas os deuses esquecidos têm a frescura de espírito suficiente para acreditar de novo em nós.

I am pure.

My purity is the purity of this great Phoenix that is in Heracleopolis,

because I am indeed the nose of the Lord of Wind

who made all men live on that day of completing the Sacred Eye

in Heliopolis in the 2nd month of winter last day,

in the presence of the lord of this land.

I am he who saw the completion of the Sacred Eye in Heliopolis,

and nothing evil shall come into being against me in this land

in this Hall of Justice,

because I know the names of these gods who are in it.

Words from:
The Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Papyrus of Ani
Parts Translated by E.A. Wallis Budge and Allen and Faulkner
The Declaration of Innocence-Chapter 125.

Photos: paul-pj-cheng


~pi said...

no god´s names

name´s no goods

name´s no good

? good-no-god,



Anonymous said...

"I am pure"

// no me entregues, / tristísima medianoche, / al impuro mediodía blanco.

Bacio per lui.

[A] said...

uauuu...andas muito fashion:)))