Someone said "there are two types of fire. One is external, another one internal".
or: a visible fire, and another - hidden, invisible one.

1-The Visible Fire
The External and visible fire is the one that burns the matter, the one that our ancestors learned to dominate with sticks and stones.
And with the dominion of that fire, they also dominated matter itself; the wood, the stone, the metals.
The peoples who dominated this external visible fire more effectively, and more quickly, dominated the other peoples.
Those who used fire to fuse metals to make plows and weapons, those who fused sand to make glass, those who learned to combine sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal to make thunder sticks.
Within each of the peoples, those few degenerates who came together to steal, lie and violate the most peaceful and serene, or vulnerable others, learned to take care of the means of production and control of fire. This is called the "power cast". And used the material products of the use of fire in the wood, stones and metals, which was worked by the dominated ones, the more serene and passive, of the same people.
Periodically, some of the dominated managed to subvert the established order, but then... they either adopted the same methods of stealing, lying, and raping to maintain their power cast, or else they succumbed again to the more cruel and cheating methods of the previous power cast degenerates.
And so the degenerates took over the power of the fire, and also because of that, took over of the processes of History. And so, Human history became a valley of tears and disgust.
Until one day the entire planet, the rock on which they traveled through space, was permanently on the verge of total war, on the verge of an annihilating fire-storm.
Over the course of History, over the course of the centuries, the serene and peaceful, the dominated ones, developed an almost hereditary form of submission to the dominators.
They lost the ability to collectively rise up, they become social masochists, and carefully indoctrinate their children in that masochism.
The dominators become social sadists, and have created dark and cunning structures of moral influence, and horrendous war machines to massively abuse the dominated.
Some groups of tthe dominated people wake up every morning and fall asleep each night in a somnambulist-like state.
Their daydreams are artificially manufactured by the "dream-machines" controlled by the dominators.
The heaviest and safest shackles are invisible, internal, and work themselves inside the minds of the dominated, as a diffuse sense of guilt for their very existence...
The dominated somnambules ignore that this foggy guilty feeling is their own internal energy of insurrection and freedom turned against themselves...
The dominators, they become more and more greedy, manic and desperate in their limitless and mentally sick greed... they almost cannot sleep in fear of what they will dream. They become so afraid of their own repentance, regret and of of their own feeling of shame and guilt for what they do... These Feelings, they fear rightfully will fall upon them as a "divine wrath". And it will.
But they have lost the ability to feel guilt and hence, they have lost the chance of redemption.
To the dominated ones' desire for freedom, and to the practices of the dominated ones to search for freedom they dominators have called witchcraft, folly, subversion and "works of the devil". And these and all other things that are Red and feared by the dominators, are punished with abandonment, exile, torture and prison. To the mental counterparts of the punishments, the dominators called "eternal hell for the sinners".

2- The Internal Fire
Someone said "inside the hidden - invisible fire there are three types of fire":
The intellectual one, that allows you to see in the darkness of the forest of interrogations (or Mercury),
The emotional one, that allows you to animate the body like a machine of nerves and flesh (or Mars),
and the spiritual one, which allows to illuminate the cavernous structures of the intellect and emotions, and allows you to melt the tangled web in which the constellations of memory and hallucination are combined. And then heat the amalgamation again, and again, until it turns into an Egg.... To this spiritual fire, i don't know what planet to invoke to give it a name...
Some have discovered that the most primal physical/external fire and the most sublime spiritual fire are found at the same source, in the same "place", within a serpent's egg that animates and burns each human body as if it were a torch.
And that it was the most fun and serious thing in the world to play and work with this hidden fire.
Those who saw it and played with it, and worked with it, disdained the domination of peoples, and disdained the domination of the people within the peoples: the domination game played by those degenerates that come together to steal and lie and violate those more peaceful ones of their own people.
Those who saw it, that fire, reached a new ambition: to dominate the three internal fires that light and shade each other within themselves and within others.
Permanently chased and persecuted by the dominators of the external fire as well as by the coward submissive dominated collaborators, this internal-fire people lost touch of other like them, in order to better hide themselves. Some of them managed to infiltrate the power cast secretively, slowly, and try to change the system from within.
Their practices, games, experiences and invocations are considered outrageous, both for the degenerate dominators and for the passive dominated ones, because they question all the ancient devices of domination.
And because they blow a wind of life and death when the doors of the invisible world are opened. That invisible world that both dominators and dominated are unaware of, and scared of.
This is what someone called "the labyrinth of the serpent's Egg". Many of those dedicated to the mastering of the inner fires are still lost in their own labyrinth.
And some of them would like to forget that they ever entered it. They feel burned, burdened, they feel like apprentices of sorcerers, they suffer too much, but they can no longer return to the system and game of the domination-dominated.
They have no other choice but learn how to "play with fire". And they will.