Newton & Newton. The Properties of Light

Sir, I had formerly purposed never to write any hypothesis of light and colours,
fearing it might be a means to engage me in vain disputes:
but I hope a declared resolution, may defend me from that fear.

...the agitated parts of bodies, 
according to their several sizes, figure, and motions, 

do excite vibrations in the æther of various depths or bignesses,

which being promiscuously propagated through that medium to our eyes, 

effect in us a sensation of light of a white colour

Assuming the rays of light to be small bodies 

emitted every way from shining substances,

when they impinge on any refracting or reflecting superficies,
must as necessarily excite vibrations in the æther, 

as stones do in water when thrown into it.

the elastic effluvia seem to instruct us, that there is something of an æthereal nature condensed in bodies

photos: Helmut Newton
text: Isaac Newton "An Hypothesis explaining the Properties of Light" (1757)


[A] said...


ana said...
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Anonymous said...

Dizia-te do minuto certo.
Dizia-te que queria olhar para os teus olhos e ter a certeza que pensavas em mim. Que me pensavas por dentro. Que eu era a tua fantasia, o teu banco de trás.

in Egoísta