So in her I do confide

And she keeps me satisfied

Gives me all I need

X: Amo-te muito! Tem um sonho bom!
0: vou ter concerteza, contigo


foi isto que me manteve afastado de ti este verão.

"isto" tomou conta da minha vida, da minha mente, do meu destino. Existe sempre um obsessivo "isto" na minha vida, afastando-me "daquilo", "daqueloutro" e daquela que desejo. E aquilo e aqueloutro e aquela a distrair-me "d'Isto" o qual depois se vinga raptando-me a mente durante anos. Um dia talvez seja verdadeiramente livre, quando acabar de meter os males do mundo todos numa equação para perceber o que correu mal e como há-de se fazer para correr bem. Depois de 6 anos metido na biblioteca labiríntica de que falava Jorge Luis Borges, acho que já percebo o que correu mal com o mundo. Estou a começar a preparar-me para fazer as coisas correrem bem. Contigo, "X" :).
End if, end loop, execute.

vector dh=dh96 to dh98. loop i=1 to 2. compute j=i+1. do if dh(j)>-1 and dh(i)<0. dh="dh96" i="1" j="i+1.">-1 and dh(i)<0. dh="dh96" i="1" j="i+1." k="j+1.">0 and dh(k)>0. compute dh(j)=(dh(i)+dh(k)/2). end if. end loop. execute.


take me home


take me home, you silly girl, put your arms around me.take me home you silly girl, all the world's not round without you. I'm so sorry that I broke your heart, please don't leave my side. take me home you silly girl, cause I'm still in love with




A felicidade é como a gota de orvalho numa petala de flôr. Brilha tranquila depois de leve oscila e cai como uma lágrima de amor

letra: "felicidade" Jobim/Moraes
photo original: X-girl, detalhe escolhido e cores invertidas por 0.0


the twilight hour

You're laying on your bed And making shadows on the wall. It's almost too hot to move
Outside your window People are driving home from work For the weekend.
But your waiting for the phone to ring. Your gonna tell her exactly what you think.
You practice getting your mouth around the words That explain the way you feel. You've been scared to show your real self In case she doesn't like what she sees. You've been a prostitute to humility. She's invaded your life
And you've got to live apart In order to survive
You were emotionally independent But starved of affection. But now you've been trapped by tenderness And been beaten into submission
It's now way past the hour she usually phones
You've decided not to tell her your little joke. Where could she have got to?Why is she torturing you?
You roll on your side
And run your fingers through your hair. Your scared of losing her
And facing yourself.
A red sky at night may be a shepherds delight
But your cutting chunks from your heart And rubbing the meat into your eyes. She can't leave you now. You've given up all your friends. You're relying on her For your independence. She can't leave you here Alone and defenseless. You're relying on her For your independence

You're relying on her

letra: The The "the twilight hour", album "Soul Mining".
Photo: anónimo "não me pergunte como isso aconteceu..."