The month of June was named after her.
the Roman Great Goddess, the Queen of the Gods, Sky-Goddess, Protectress of Women, Mother of Mars, Wife of Jupiter.
Protector and special counselor of the Roman state. As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman empire she was called Regina.
As each man was believed to have a protective guardian spirit called a genius, so each woman had one called a juno. These guardian spirits (in the plural, junones) may have originally been the ghosts of the ancestors who were believed to watch over and protect their descendents. They were usually represented as snakes (probably relating to the chthonic or underworld aspect of the Dead), and were given offerings on the individual's birthday at the household altar.
The primary feast of Juno Lucina, called the Matronalia, was celebrated on March 1. On this day, lambs and other cattle were sacrificed to her.
The celebration consisted of a parade of married women to the temple of Juno bearing gifts for the goddess. In the homes, wives received gifts from their husbands, and the matron of the house would have a feast for the female slaves belonging to the household.
the Roman Great Goddess, the Queen of the Gods, Sky-Goddess, Protectress of Women, Mother of Mars, Wife of Jupiter.
Protector and special counselor of the Roman state. As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman empire she was called Regina.
As each man was believed to have a protective guardian spirit called a genius, so each woman had one called a juno. These guardian spirits (in the plural, junones) may have originally been the ghosts of the ancestors who were believed to watch over and protect their descendents. They were usually represented as snakes (probably relating to the chthonic or underworld aspect of the Dead), and were given offerings on the individual's birthday at the household altar.
The primary feast of Juno Lucina, called the Matronalia, was celebrated on March 1. On this day, lambs and other cattle were sacrificed to her.
The celebration consisted of a parade of married women to the temple of Juno bearing gifts for the goddess. In the homes, wives received gifts from their husbands, and the matron of the house would have a feast for the female slaves belonging to the household.
Another festival took place on July 7 and was called Nonae Caprotinae ("The Nones of the Wild Fig").
Many people consider the month of June, which is named after the goddess who is the patroness of marriage, to be the most favorable time to marry. Lucina was an epithet for Juno as "she who brings children into light."
Juno's own warlike aspect among the Romans is apparent in her attire. She often appeared armed and wearing a goatskin cloak, which was the garment favoured by Roman soldiers on campaign.*
Many people consider the month of June, which is named after the goddess who is the patroness of marriage, to be the most favorable time to marry. Lucina was an epithet for Juno as "she who brings children into light."
Juno's own warlike aspect among the Romans is apparent in her attire. She often appeared armed and wearing a goatskin cloak, which was the garment favoured by Roman soldiers on campaign.*
*colagem de conteúdos web
"há coisas que só se vêem com o branco dos olhos"
J.Sousa Braga
O comentário, phuntastik,as usual.
tão forte fragilidadade!!
[ dispenso sempre sacrifícios animais!
Esqueceste de dizer que agora Juno tamb�m � m�s de Futebol :))
Vamos ver o jogo e comer uns figos.
Beijos Sapinho lindo
até ao fim do mundo
June ou Hera ... tb tive o pensamento começo de Junho, claro...
cara amiga yin,
o teu blog é lindo e a minha alma está parva de encontrar aqui um link para o meu, fico a pensar o que de jeito terás lá visto que não seja teoria ambientalista (eu sei que o lá está para além disso, mas agora quem o veja...)!
vou lêr-te com a atenção devida:)
um abraço**
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