coyote and loki

"Coyote is the figure who appears most widely in Native American stories; he is without doubt the best known. The preeminent trickster, he may also take the role of culture hero, although the aspects of culture and life he introduces often have a negative side to them.[...]
Coyote's origins are not often told, but the Pima consider him the off-spring of the moon (see Tcu-unnyikita). He often travels with a companion, sometimes a brother, or with his family. Perhaps his most common companions are Fox (see also Achomawi Silver Fox, who is a cocreator with Coyote) and Wolf (see Wolf Creates the Earth, Paiute; and Sunawavi, Ute). Coyote also travels with the Alsea creator Suku, a bear, with whom he names all the things created. [...]"


'Loki' the trickster. Associated with darkness, hence a black/silver fox is appropiate. Loki is more or less associated with the element of fire and the primordial flames of rebirth. 'As personification of fire as well as mischief, Loki (lightning) is often seen with Thor (thunder)".


1 comment:

Lara said...

OK deste-me uma ideia para o texto que a Estranha me propos.:))))

Gosto destas personagens cheias de mistério.

mas podias ter escrito em portgues não?

