This is the sea (ou "this is the C."...*)


There's a train
It's coming on down the line It's yours if you hurry You've got still enough time And you don't need no ticket And you don't pay no fee

These things you keep
You'd better throw them away

You wanna turn your back
On your soulless days

Once you were tethered
And now you are free

Once you were tethered
Well now you are free

That was the river
This is the sea!

Now if you're feelin' weary
If you've been alone too long

Maybe you've been suffering from
A few too many
Plans that have gone wrong

And you're trying to remember
How fine your life used to be
Well that was the river
This is the sea!

Now you say you've got trouble
You say you've got pain

You say've got nothing left to believe in
Nothing to hold on to

Nothing to trust
Nothing but chains

You're scouring your conscience

Raking through your memories

Scouring your conscience
Raking through your memories

But that was the river

This is the sea

Now i can see you wavering
As you try to decide

You've got a war in your head
And it's tearing you up inside

You're trying to make sense
Of something that you just can't see

Trying to make sense now
And you know you once held the key

But that was the river

And this is the sea!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!

Now i hear there's a train

It's coming on down the line
It's yours if you hurry
You've got still enough time

And you don't need no ticket
And you don't pay no fee
No you don't need no ticket
You don't pay no fee

Because that was the river
And this is the sea!

Because that was the river

And this is the sea!

Behold the sea!

imagens: mamíferos marinhos (belugas, golfinhos, baleias várias), e cães de água. Pintura (1ª imagem) de Francine Hart, mermaids por Monica 'Thitida-No-Chey' Christensen, Sirens por C.E. Boutibonne, .
Texto: This is the sea (Waterboys)

Porém subitamente, atravessámos do Oriente a grande porta
De safiras azuis no mar luzente.

Aqui desceram as âncoras escuras daqueles que vieram procurando o rosto real de todaasas figuras, e ousaram - a aventura mais incrível - Viver a inteireza do possível.

(Sophia de M.B.A, "Navegações")



Anonymous said...

Caro 0.0
Passei o dia todinho como gosto, no mar a velejar tipo trip. Acabado de aterrar dei com este teu post.
E levantei voo novamente.
Hei-de cá voltar para te contar um encontro imediato que tive com uma familia de baleias algures no meio do Atlântico.
Um abraço

a.a5 said...

Com troca de géneros gostaria que fosse meu!!!...

1.01 said...


E eu conto-te um encontro imediato que tive com um elefante no meio do antigo Zaire.

Anonymous said...

Bem eu os teus posts já desisti de comentar... pk se calhar entendo pk os escreves. :P

Mas tu desencantas cada imagem linda. Adoro golfinhos, baleias... e sobretudo sereias.

Curioso que sempre que venho ao teu blog, identifico-me com o que publicas... encontro sempre paz de espirito.


1.01 said...

Ainda bem B., eu também adoro ir ao teu para me mexer com o espírito e o corpo!
grande *
Olha, não te esqueças de uma grande litrada de chá de camomila.
assinado: The green man

toma mais 1 *
com água do mar

A. said...

...sempre.com 1 C.



1.01 said...

* grAnde grAnde

Anonymous said...

Postei o comentário
Espero que gostes