A música do filme "Dead Man", composta e tocada por Neil Young, como banda sonora de uma foto do Pai Natal e suas renas mortos por um caçador:
O mundo onde vivemos é implacável e continua "cada vez mais" violento.
A grande violência é feita contra as ideias e as produções do espirito, da imaginação, da mente. A grande crueldade é feita pela indiferença, contra as bocas esfomeadas do coração.
Mas por mais brutal e cruel que seja o mundo, todos os anos lá vem as ilusões outra vez, o pai natal renasce nos miúdos, alguns, na sua inocência e ingenuidade, para ser morto de novo.
Tal como dizem que o Nazareno o fez, e as raízes de T.S: Elliot em Abril, e a vida depois do inverno.
E o Fogo, que tudo consome, exepto a água que tudo afoga, e de onde tudo brotou.
Talvez o mundo humano seja este equilibrio desiquilibrado entre a extrema brutalidade. a extrema dor. desespero, absurdo
e a extrema doçura, inocência, carinho e amor.
E nada há que possamos fazer contra isto, a não ser
para continuar a espalhar no mundo aquilo que sabemos que vai ser morto em breve, talvez até por nós mesmos.
Isto ainda é mais terrível.
Mas parece-me verdadeiro.
Desejo-vos a todos e todas um novo ano mais verdadeiro, ainda que mais violento, mais doloroso, mas certamente também mais alegre e vivo.
Cá estaremos para afagar os cabelos grandes da dor,
para nos entregarmos ao colo e ao abraço onde tudo se funde, o grande caldeirão, e que refunda o que vale a pena.
E para a lascívia da liberdade e a luxúria da procura.
Share my innermost thoughts, Know my intimate details Someone who'll stand by my side, And give me support And in return, She'll get my support, She will listen to me When I want to speak, About the world we live in, And life in general, Though my views may be wrong, They may even be perverted, She'll hear me out And won't easily be converted To my way of thinking, In fact she'll often disagree, But at the end of it all She will understand me Aaaahhhhh.... I want somebody who cares, For me passionately With every thought and With every breath, Someone who'll help me see things In a different light. All the things I detest I will almost like, I don't want to be tied To anyone's strings, I'm carefully trying to steer clear of Those things. But when I'm asleep I want somebody Who will put their arms around me And kiss me tenderly. Though things like this Make me sick, In a case like this I'll get away with it
letra: "support" DM
photo> X at breakfast
Share my innermost thoughts, Know my intimate details Someone who'll stand by my side, And give me support And in return, She'll get my support, She will listen to me When I want to speak, About the world we live in, And life in general, Though my views may be wrong, They may even be perverted, She'll hear me out And won't easily be converted To my way of thinking, In fact she'll often disagree, But at the end of it all She will understand me Aaaahhhhh.... I want somebody who cares, For me passionately With every thought and With every breath, Someone who'll help me see things In a different light. All the things I detest I will almost like, I don't want to be tied To anyone's strings, I'm carefully trying to steer clear of Those things. But when I'm asleep I want somebody Who will put their arms around me And kiss me tenderly. Though things like this Make me sick, In a case like this I'll get away with it

letra: "support" DM
photo> X at breakfast

Um belo filme.
A "maldade" veste-se bem e tem muito estilo. Explora os que a idolatram, exactamente como um vampiro, mas ao invés dos vampiros levanta-se cedo para trabalhar muito.
A "bondade" não é mais do que integridade e capacidade de amar. Tanto a maldade como a bondade são "tentadas" uma pela outra e deixam-se perder uma na noutra.
A "maldade" alimenta o mundo de uma vaidade tão extrema que se torna fealdade, a bondade alimenta o mundo de uma simplicidade tão extrema que acaba por realçar a beleza das pedras.
Um belo filme. contigo ao lado. sair do cinema de mão dada e ir para casa.

os meus demónios interiores.
falei-lhes com franqueza
dos meus piores temores.
tratei-os com carinho,
pus jarra de flores,
abri o melhor vinho,
trouxe amêndoas e licores
chamei-os pelo nome,
quebrei a etiqueta,
matei-lhes a sede e a fome,
dei-lhes cabo da dieta.
conheci bem cada um,
pus de lado toda a farsa,
abri a minha alma,
como se fosse um comparsa.
E no fim, já bem bebidos,
demos abraços fraternos.
saíram de mansinho

aos primeiros alvores.
de copos bem erguidos
brindámos aos infernos
fizeram-se ao caminho
sem mágoas nem rancores
Adeus, foi um prazer!
disseram a cantar
mantém a mesa posta
porque havemos de voltar.
letra: Jorge Palma "demónios interiores", Norte.
imagem: Martin Schongauer "António e os demónios"
esta noite sonhei que era um rio.
Um rio pequenino, é certo, que nada mais conhecia além das montanhas onde nascia, dos amieiros e dos juncos que nele se debruçavam.
Como todos os rios, o que eu mais ardentemente desejava era desaguar.
Comecei a perguntar onde ficava o mar, mas ninguém me sabia responder. Apontavam-me com um gesto vago ora o este, ora o oeste.
Uma noite em que estava acampado entre as dunas cheguei finalmente a uma conclusão (a mesma a que todos os rios chegaram talvez antes de mim): o mar não existia.
(e essa conclusão era salgada.)

texto: Jorge de Sousa Braga, in "o poeta nú", pagina 107.
photo: Ben Heys
coyote and loki

"Coyote is the figure who appears most widely in Native American stories; he is without doubt the best known. The preeminent trickster, he may also take the role of culture hero, although the aspects of culture and life he introduces often have a negative side to them.[...]
Coyote's origins are not often told, but the Pima consider him the off-spring of the moon (see Tcu-unnyikita). He often travels with a companion, sometimes a brother, or with his family. Perhaps his most common companions are Fox (see also Achomawi Silver Fox, who is a cocreator with Coyote) and Wolf (see Wolf Creates the Earth, Paiute; and Sunawavi, Ute). Coyote also travels with the Alsea creator Suku, a bear, with whom he names all the things created. [...]"
Coyote's origins are not often told, but the Pima consider him the off-spring of the moon (see Tcu-unnyikita). He often travels with a companion, sometimes a brother, or with his family. Perhaps his most common companions are Fox (see also Achomawi Silver Fox, who is a cocreator with Coyote) and Wolf (see Wolf Creates the Earth, Paiute; and Sunawavi, Ute). Coyote also travels with the Alsea creator Suku, a bear, with whom he names all the things created. [...]"

'Loki' the trickster. Associated with darkness, hence a black/silver fox is appropiate. Loki is more or less associated with the element of fire and the primordial flames of rebirth. 'As personification of fire as well as mischief, Loki (lightning) is often seen with Thor (thunder)".

swimming through the void we hear the word we lose ourselves but we find it all....
cause we are the ones that want to play always want to go but you never want to stay
and we are the ones that want to choose always want to play but you never want to lose.
aerials in the sky
when you lose your mind you free your life

Não vou dizer as coordenadas deste pedaço de paraíso onde ela me levou, porque afinal se trata de uma "zona de acidentes mortais", segundo a placa das entidades oficiais do parque natural.
Mas podem tentar adivinhar. Eu só direi frio frio ou quente quente, tal como o sol e a água.

when you free your eyes eternal prize
aerials, in the sky
when you lose small mind
you free your life
aerials, so up high
when you free your eyes eternal prize


Imagino-te prenhe do meu sémen. Barriga bola de sabão a reluzir ao sol do atlântico. Grávida de uma enorme azeitona. Vais parir azeite do mais puro grau de acidez, para temperar tomate maduro com oregãos, queijo de búfala com manjericão, e lábios com língua.
Se for rapariga chamar-se-há “azeitona sem caroço”, se for rapaz será “caroço de azeitona”.
Estamos com o azul cobalto, e azul do mar altlântico a banhar-nos os olhos, a luz dança na baía das nossas retinas numa autêntica alegria Nitschziana, numa alegoria sem tempo.
Falas-me em português com um sotaque estranho, vindo de outros tempos. dizes um silêncio do tamanho de uma tarde, uma tarde doce como um sorriso demorado, um silêncio em portugûes com sotaque estranho.
Eu sei que tu vais fugir esta tarde, eu tenho a certeza disso, mesmo prenhe, ou depois de parir,

Eu sei disso, e é saber isso que torna a dança de luz na tua tua barriga, e o banho demorado dos olhos no azul cobalto, tão precioso e interno.
Eu sei também que enquanto souber que tu vais fugir, enquanto eu não me esquecer disso, tu vais ficando.
E tu vais deixando aqui e ali pequenos sinais de que preparas a fuga, premeditadamente, para me ajudar a não esquecer que vais fugir um dia, porque sabes também que enquanto eu não esquecer isso tu vais ficando. Vais-te demorando, vais preparando a fuga com mais pormenor, com mais calma, a espaços cada vez mais longos.
Depois da azeitona nascer, depois de temperar a salada, depois de mais uma noite como aquela, depois do Inverno, depois do Outono.
Cada dia que passo contigo agradeço a Saturno teres-te demorado; agradeço e tento dar-te razões para te demorares, algumas das quais são deixar-te aqui e ali sinais de que ainda tenho a certeza de que vais fugir. Acaricio-te a pele cada vez como se fosse a última vez, observo o eriçar da tua penugem na nuca como se fosse a primeira vez, e a última, como se fosse um sonho, como se fosses um planeta visitado numa viagem alucinatória, e agradeço aos deuses todos antes de te começar a lamber o corpo, pelos pés.



The Hunger

De pé, ó vítimas da fome!
De pé, famélicos da terra!
Cortai o mal bem pelo fundo!
Messias, Deus, chefes supremos,
Nada esperemos de nenhum!
Sejamos nós quem conquistemos
A Terra-Mãe livre e comum!

Sente o meu carinho a entrar dentro de ti quando respiras.
Relaxa e inspira profundamente, suavemente,
eu estou no ar,
sou o oxigénio.
que entra no teu sangue
Bestial Love (um Amor Bestial)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil:
for thou art with me;



Sabes, X, Voltei a deparar-me com aquela citação de Bion, que te enviei por sms no dia em que tudo começou entre nós.
The inescapable bestiality of the human animal
is the quality from which our cherished and admired characteristics spring.
is the quality from which our cherished and admired characteristics spring.
Agora temos mais um poema para estudar, um poma para nos para nos guiar, através do vale das sombras, nas terras mágicas, através dos caminhos da nossa bestialidade e da nossa beleza, ambas inocentes, e as encruzilhadas da nossa inteligência e do nossa consciência, ambas .culpadas.
I was sent forth from the power,
and I have come to those who reflect upon me,
and I have been found among those who seek after me.
Look upon me, you who reflect upon me,
and you hearers, hear me.
You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves.
And do not banish me from your sight.
And do not make your voice hate me, nor your hearing.
Do not be ignorant of me anywhere or any time. Be on your guard!
Do not be ignorant of me.
For I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
For I am knowledge and ignorance.
I am shame and boldness.
I am shameless; I am ashamed.
I am strength and I am fear.
I am war and peace.
Give heed to me.
I am the one who is disgraced and the great one.
For I am the wisdom of the Greeks
and the knowledge of the barbarians.
I am the judgement of the Greeks and of the barbarians.
I am the one whose image is great in Egypt
and the one who has no image among the barbarians.
I am the one who has been hated everywhere
and who has been loved everywhere.
I am the one whom they call Life,
and you have called Death.
I am the one whom they call Law,
and you have called Lawlessness.
I am the one whom you have pursued,
and I am the one whom you have seized.
I am the one whom you have scattered,
and you have gathered me together.
I am the one before whom you have been ashamed,
and you have been shameless to me.
I am she who does not keep festival,
and I am she whose festivals are many.
I, I am godless,
and I am the one whose God is great.
I am the one whom you have reflected upon,
and you have scorned me.
I am unlearned,
and they learn from me.
I am the one that you have despised,
and you reflect upon me.
I am the one whom you have hidden from,
and you appear to me.
But whenever you hide yourselves,
I myself will appear.
For whenever you appear,
I myself will hide from you.
and I have come to those who reflect upon me,
and I have been found among those who seek after me.
Look upon me, you who reflect upon me,
and you hearers, hear me.
You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves.
And do not banish me from your sight.
And do not make your voice hate me, nor your hearing.
Do not be ignorant of me anywhere or any time. Be on your guard!
Do not be ignorant of me.
For I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
For I am knowledge and ignorance.
I am shame and boldness.
I am shameless; I am ashamed.
I am strength and I am fear.
I am war and peace.
Give heed to me.
I am the one who is disgraced and the great one.
For I am the wisdom of the Greeks
and the knowledge of the barbarians.
I am the judgement of the Greeks and of the barbarians.
I am the one whose image is great in Egypt
and the one who has no image among the barbarians.
I am the one who has been hated everywhere
and who has been loved everywhere.
I am the one whom they call Life,
and you have called Death.
I am the one whom they call Law,
and you have called Lawlessness.
I am the one whom you have pursued,
and I am the one whom you have seized.
I am the one whom you have scattered,
and you have gathered me together.
I am the one before whom you have been ashamed,
and you have been shameless to me.
I am she who does not keep festival,
and I am she whose festivals are many.
I, I am godless,
and I am the one whose God is great.
I am the one whom you have reflected upon,
and you have scorned me.
I am unlearned,
and they learn from me.
I am the one that you have despised,
and you reflect upon me.
I am the one whom you have hidden from,
and you appear to me.
But whenever you hide yourselves,
I myself will appear.
For whenever you appear,
I myself will hide from you.

Sim, não teremos medo de nenhum Mal. Não porque estejamos protegidos por "Deus", mas porque conhecemos o Bem e o Mal, e passámos para além. Agora vamo-nos portar bem mal
Vamo-nos portar (para além do) Bem (e do) Mal
Psalm 23 of King James
Bion, Attention and Interpretation, capitulo 6, paginas 65-66.
Excerto de "Thunder Perfect Mind"
Luis Royo Dreams 29, 47
Walter Crane Beauty and the Beast (Routledge, 1874)
foi isto que me manteve afastado de ti este verão.
"isto" tomou conta da minha vida, da minha mente, do meu destino. Existe sempre um obsessivo "isto" na minha vida, afastando-me "daquilo", "daqueloutro" e daquela que desejo. E aquilo e aqueloutro e aquela a distrair-me "d'Isto" o qual depois se vinga raptando-me a mente durante anos. Um dia talvez seja verdadeiramente livre, quando acabar de meter os males do mundo todos numa equação para perceber o que correu mal e como há-de se fazer para correr bem. Depois de 6 anos metido na biblioteca labiríntica de que falava Jorge Luis Borges, acho que já percebo o que correu mal com o mundo. Estou a começar a preparar-me para fazer as coisas correrem bem. Contigo, "X" :).
End if, end loop, execute.
End if, end loop, execute.

vector dh=dh96 to dh98. loop i=1 to 2. compute j=i+1. do if dh(j)>-1 and dh(i)<0. dh="dh96" i="1" j="i+1.">-1 and dh(i)<0. dh="dh96" i="1" j="i+1." k="j+1.">0 and dh(k)>0. compute dh(j)=(dh(i)+dh(k)/2). end if. end loop. execute.
take me home
take me home, you silly girl, put your arms around me.take me home you silly girl, all the world's not round without you. I'm so sorry that I broke your heart, please don't leave my side. take me home you silly girl, cause I'm still in love with
the twilight hour



You're laying on your bed And making shadows on the wall. It's almost too hot to move
Outside your window People are driving home from work For the weekend.
But your waiting for the phone to ring. Your gonna tell her exactly what you think.
You practice getting your mouth around the words That explain the way you feel. You've been scared to show your real self In case she doesn't like what she sees. You've been a prostitute to humility. She's invaded your life
And you've got to live apart In order to survive
You were emotionally independent But starved of affection. But now you've been trapped by tenderness And been beaten into submission
It's now way past the hour she usually phones
You've decided not to tell her your little joke. Where could she have got to?Why is she torturing you?
You roll on your side And run your fingers through your hair. Your scared of losing her
And facing yourself.
A red sky at night may be a shepherds delight
But your cutting chunks from your heart And rubbing the meat into your eyes. She can't leave you now. You've given up all your friends. You're relying on her For your independence. She can't leave you here Alone and defenseless. You're relying on her For your independence
You're relying on her

letra: The The "the twilight hour", album "Soul Mining".
Photo: anónimo "não me pergunte como isso aconteceu..."
But your waiting for the phone to ring. Your gonna tell her exactly what you think.
You practice getting your mouth around the words That explain the way you feel. You've been scared to show your real self In case she doesn't like what she sees. You've been a prostitute to humility. She's invaded your life
And you've got to live apart In order to survive
You were emotionally independent But starved of affection. But now you've been trapped by tenderness And been beaten into submission
It's now way past the hour she usually phones
You've decided not to tell her your little joke. Where could she have got to?Why is she torturing you?
You roll on your side And run your fingers through your hair. Your scared of losing her
And facing yourself.
A red sky at night may be a shepherds delight
But your cutting chunks from your heart And rubbing the meat into your eyes. She can't leave you now. You've given up all your friends. You're relying on her For your independence. She can't leave you here Alone and defenseless. You're relying on her For your independence
You're relying on her

letra: The The "the twilight hour", album "Soul Mining".
Photo: anónimo "não me pergunte como isso aconteceu..."
the red riding hood and the werewolf

Howl Who's that I see walking in these woods. Why it's Little Red Riding Hood. Hey there Little Red Riding Hood. You sure are lookin' good. You're everything a big bad wolf could want. Howl.
Listen to me! Little Red Riding Hood I don't think little big girls should Go walking' in these spooky old woods alone. [...]

Little Red Riding Hood, Even bad wolves can be good. I'll try to keep satisfied, Just to walk by you're side. Maybe you'll see things my way, Before we get to Gramma's place. Little Red Riding Hood. You sure are lookin' good. You're everything a big bad wolf could want.

"And of course I think you're trying to seduce me. Always. I am too vain to believe you would not. But it does not make much difference, you can well leave me in that flattering perception, and I can feel so great being desired and resisting. "
You play dangerous games Red Riding Hood..
"If youve been hiding from love, I can understand where youre coming from. If youve suffered enough, I can understand what youre thinking of, I can see the pain that youre frightened of"
But in what regards to the attitude "feel so great being desired and resisting", gosh, that is a very unsustainable game...rocket fuel... It's an endogenous drug.
You are feeding yourself of the scent of men's libido. you are sucking them out of their vital energy. No wonder you feel guilty about your "graveyard".
Forever guilty, but... forever inocent, "see but do not savour", but the gaze can "kill". . .
What if I told you that the "truth" was that I wans't "seducing you" because I desired you.
I wasn't even seducing you, as I was telling the truth. What if I told you that All that I was doing, whatever that was, was because I Loved you.
Could you resist Love? :)
Do you know what Love is? What's the diference between Love and seduction, Love and desire?
How dangerous is this game I'm playing? Is this really a game? or is it an ame, une ame, l'ame.
A game or an aim? I don't know. To think of it as a game is reassuring.
But then again, the "thing", whatever that is, might want me to think it's a game so that I can keep playing it, without me being scared by the risks it implies.
Providence protects the daring ones anyway. Otherwise I would be disgraced by now. :)
on the other hand. me writing this and scaring you might be a way of warning you to escape, escape now of this "thing", run and never look back.
but even more scary would be if now it was too late already. the "thing" caught you already.
Even if you run now, it's helpless, you will carry it with you, in the hearth of darkness, the darkness of the hearth and you will have to return to me, or be haunted all your life...

For the werewolf, for the werewolf Have sympathy 'Cause the werewolf he is someone Just like you an' me. Once I saw him in the moonlight when the bats were a flyin'
All alone I saw the werewolf and the werewolf was cryin'
Cryin' nobody, nobody, nobody knows How much I love the maiden as I tear off his cloths. Cryin' nobody, nobody, knows of my pain When I see it has risen that full moon again
When I see that moon movin' through the clouds in the sky
I get a crazy feelin' an' I wonder why
Oh the werewolf, Oh the werewolf
Comes travelin' along, He don't even break the branches
Where he's been gone
For the werewolf have pity, not fear, an' not hate
'Cause the werewolf might be someone that you've known of late
Oh the werewolf, oh the werewolf Comes travelin' along
He don't even crush the leaves. Where he's been gone

Go, my sadness And tell her that without her it is not to be
Tell her, in a prayer to return to me for I can't bear this suffering anymore
No more blues
The reality is that without her There is no peace, there is no beauty
There is only sadness and melancholy that won't leave me, won't leave me, won't leave
But if she returns, If she returns, What a beautiful thing, What a crazy thing
For there are fewer fish swimming in the sea than the kisses that I will give on your mouth
in my arms my embraces There will have to be millions of embraces tight like this, stuck like this, quiet Embraces and kisses and caresses without end
It is to end with that business of living far from me, I don't want that business any more
of you living like this We are going to quit this business of you living without me
Tell her, in a prayer to return to me for I can't bear this suffering anymore
No more blues
The reality is that without her There is no peace, there is no beauty
There is only sadness and melancholy that won't leave me, won't leave me, won't leave
But if she returns, If she returns, What a beautiful thing, What a crazy thing
For there are fewer fish swimming in the sea than the kisses that I will give on your mouth
in my arms my embraces There will have to be millions of embraces tight like this, stuck like this, quiet Embraces and kisses and caresses without end
It is to end with that business of living far from me, I don't want that business any more
of you living like this We are going to quit this business of you living without me
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