Our bodies are given life from the midst of nothingness.
Existing where there is nothing is the meaning of the phrase, "form is emptiness."
That all things are provided for by nothingness is the meaning of the phrase, "Emptiness is form."
One should not think that these are two separate things.
Existing where there is nothing is the meaning of the phrase, "form is emptiness."
That all things are provided for by nothingness is the meaning of the phrase, "Emptiness is form."
One should not think that these are two separate things.
face to face
back to
? black
de *****, ***
"- mas esconde as bolachas
para não ser recrimidada?
-hum... não. Acho que para não ter de dar alguma..."
never been out of it...
Lightness and Blackness: "one One should not think that these are two separate things."
lembraste-me da música "back to black":
"We only said good-bye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to..."
I go back to myself, blackness, mourning again, rebirth, lightness.
And she goes back to her, her: her mother, her grandmother, her past.
[a]: ha ha ha ha. excelente. para uma pergunta incómoda, uma resposta desconcertante.
O monstro das bolachas é o meu preferido, a seguir ao monstro da bateria.
É. Deviam pagar-me por fazer rir...
...and in this way give earthly life to the shadows of the dark recesses of their
May you be led forward by the black shine of these illumined silhouettes,
and by the sound of their booted tread be soon guided into the presence
and service
of the Divine
(Mme de Morville)
Não sei se é de usar o internet explorer, mas vou a este teu blog só encontro é caos e confusão, pergunto-me o que se terá passado?
E porque se sofre tanto com a dualidade do black and white?
A vida não é monocromática, se bem que querem que pensemos dessa maneira.
P.s :Qto à musica, estou impedida de a dar.
Que contraste onde uns só conseguem ver branco e preto eu aqui vejo Cor... aliás muita cor :)
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