http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=21592348&postID=8480225227983923253 The virgin whore

"Two more additions to my celebrity tarot deck. This one I made today. It’s called The Virgin/Whore. It’s loosely based on the High Priestess card in the regular tarot, which in turn is loosely based on the “Mother of God” myth appearing in Christianity as the Virgin Mary. Since Madonna essentially based her career riffing off this archetype, it seems only natural. People claim that the word “virgin” in antiquity did not necessarily mean that someone never had sex. It meant instead that a woman was “without” man, which could also mean that she was an independent property owner. Some such women in classical cultures were also sacred prostitutes… or so the story goes. They acted as incarnations of the goddess. A parallel tradition exists still today in some sects of Hinduism with the devadasis. Plus there is that whole psychological trend in the modern culture called the “Virgin/Whore complex” which Madonna played to a tee. In her lap is Britney Spears, whom if you recall Madonna kissed on the mouth at that awards show some years back, and who used many of the media-sex-virgin-whore tactics Madonna pioneered to build her own career."




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sonho said...


a música, as imagens... enfim...



Lya said...

A grande diva! Linda como sempre com 48 anos! Até eu era capaz de a beijar LOLLL

beads hum? LOLLL