Get a Taste of Religion. Lick a witch.
The Hierophant, or Pope (arcanum five), stands for the search for truth and represents all organized religions, education, schooling, and any other kind of formal learning processes. The Pope, the interpreter of sacred mysteries, points the way to the pathways of silence and watchfulness and enables seekers to discover the inherent power of creative ability that lies dormant within them. Number five stands for the universal power of faith over human imagination, the faith to be creatively new.
When the Hierophant appears as a person, he's likely an old, favored teacher, therapist, counsellor, advisor, sponsor. That young Priest with progressive ideas, or the old Rabbi who was always so down to Earth and fun, or maybe an uncle who always offered such common sense advise.
At his best, he is about humility and teaching, about getting people through deeply frightening and difficult situations. He also respresents the wider rules of society, what we teach each other in order to get along and fit in, everything from common courtesy and social graces to laws and rules.
When reversed, however.....
Unfortunately, he can also represent that nasty teacher, the one who refuses to deviate from the text book, or a sour-faced elder who wants to keep the church old fashioned and in the dark ages.
When reversed the Pope symbolises bad advice, someone who tells us what to do so that they might benefit, and an inability to listen. In practice I have seen the Pope reversed represent corrupt lawyers, inept counselors and needy friends.
Misleading or dubious advice, poor counsel, slander and propaganda. Distortion of truth and a bad time for signing agreements. Misleading advertisements. Unconventionality and rejection of family values.
Upsidedown, this card is very reminscent of spiritual institutions who control information, maintain earthly power (the leaders are rich and living in luxury, while their flock is poor and in need).
They offer up rules for the purpose of being in control, rather than to make help the community morally and spiritually. We see this likewise in folk who take the moral high-ground in order to get their ajendas favored, while making opponents look immoral in order to undermine them.
There is also the possibility of the abuse of power by an advisor or counselor.
This is the politician who asserts that he is a man or God, but his opponent is not. There is a strong pressure in this card to conform...or else.
The questioner may also be experiencing a disillusion-ment with their life. "Is this all there is?" If this is the case they should develop their spiritual life for they are being called to a new understanding.
The Knight of Coins is the most peace-loving of the Knights, the overseer of fertility and growth. His period of ascendancy is during the quiet years between conflicts, when everybody can concentrate together on raising the collective standard of living. His horse is usually huge and thickset, more suitable to pulling a plow than riding swiftly into battle. His temperament is easygoing and relaxed, he's moving at the rate of the flow because he knows that you can't hurry time. Seeing the bigger picture, like a farmer plan-ning for future decades, he doesn't allow momentary fads or fancies to distract him, and he doesn't take seriously people who do. One can feel his stability and dedication; he is totally responsible and even somewhat predictable when it comes to his projects. He is earthy and gentle, as simple as deep as the soil he tills and the flowers he loves.
The Energy: Desire, Activity, Impulse Strength and flexibility are the characteristics of the Knight of Coins. He acts intelligently and without endless consideration. Usually his affairs are developing soundly and satisfyingly. Only sweet emotions and feelings may confuse him from time to time. Take your chances. With the right actions and decisions you can make this world a better place; doubt and hesitation won't lead you anywhere. However, you should never suppress your feelings. This price would be to high.
Astrological counterpart: Jupiter in Taurus, expressing persisting, evolved, and secure values.
Mythology: The Olympian smithy of Hephaestus, where he crafted the great treasures of the gods.
Yi Jing: 32 Hong/Persistence.
Description: 'The Knight of Coins' epitomizes that mood enabling us to create real and persistent values if we are hard-working, persisting, and tenacious. It epitomizes our desire to get things well done, which represents the basis for any future evolution. It represents the characteristics of the earth-element: physical reality, real results and pragmatic way of thinking and acting that give us the opportunity to experience sensuality. When we exaggerate this attitude, we get stubborn, rigid, lazy.
Professional meaning: 'The Knight of Coins' represents the right working environment that helps us achieve strong and fruitful business. It proves we need to have the sense for identifying any precious opportunity, for revealing our availability for working in order to obtain the best results. The card shows the right moment to accomplish professional projects. We are going to appreciate what may turn into reality. 'The Knight of Coins' shows real, persistent, and clear results.
Matters of conscience: The card means developing the sense of reality and the search for new methods of using ideas and turning them into facts. It also means that we are concerned with problems of financial security and appreciate projects pragmatically. In some cases, the card is a warning for exaggerated moods such as: stubbornness, introverted or unscrupulous greed.
Personal relationships: It proves that our relationship is characterized by perseverance, honesty, persistence, fidelity, and sensuality. It epitomizes "a persistent relationship" and opens new perspectives for such relationships, in case we are not having a romantic relationship.
Matters of conscience: The card means developing the sense of reality and the search for new methods of using ideas and turning them into facts. It also means that we are concerned with problems of financial security and appreciate projects pragmatically. In some cases, the card is a warning for exaggerated moods such as: stubbornness, introverted or unscrupulous greed.
Personal relationships: It proves that our relationship is characterized by perseverance, honesty, persistence, fidelity, and sensuality. It epitomizes "a persistent relationship" and opens new perspectives for such relationships, in case we are not having a romantic relationship.
Dreams that turn into reality through circumstance and being in the right place at the right time. Successful ventures launched, inspiration and original ideas. Strength coming from successful enterprise due to the courage of one's convictions. Plans and ventures that are moving ahead.
The three of Wands. Compare this figure to the Fool who is also on a cliff edge. The Fool steps out in innocence, not realizing he is going to fall to his fate. The adventurer on the three of Wands is also willing to step out, but with full awareness of what he is doing. His courage is more informed, if less spontaneous. The three of Wands encourages you to move fearlessly into new areas.
Let the ships on your horizon take you far out into unknown seas.
OR else...?
Always yield to temptation because it may not pass your way again
pour moi é mais or else, o yield to também é baril, aliás tou sempre a yieldar to isso mesmo desde que me deixem
Yes-ld, little broder.
D. Maria, será que podes fazer as pazes sem antes fazer as guerras?
Já dizia o macaquinho bêbedo chinês.
tou xeio da preça
Bem, não entendo nada de tarot, mas gostava que me deitassem as cartas.
Sabes começo a ficar farta (não de ti loll) mas destas coisas de feiticeiros, tarots, de posts negros e cheios de lamú solidão e morte! Já me cansa!Enfim... Quero é calor para me bronzear e divertir!
quanto ao que falaste, ok!
respondi agora... já é tarde e ainda vou fazer dois clares para oferecer amanhã!
queres um? lollllll
I´m so bad! :P
bad bones...
Always ...or else.
my f. with n.
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