Os Grandes Lábios. Kissing the Sun.(versão 0.03)

Soon we will be on our way
say goodbye to yesterday

soon we will be in the light
swimming in the open sky

We'll spread our wings around the stars
watch the way we'll drop our scars

we will be kissing the sun

e dentro dos lábios, e no meio dos beijos, a tua,

secreta e irrequieta

língua sereia,

sempre salgada e fresca

e quente

uma dragoa,

uma barca sem remos,


a subir o rio, enxarcado,
da ternura

Atomic power plants and the Atom Bomb use fission to get the energy.
Stars and Hydrogen bombs use fusion.

Nuclear fusion is seen as a cleaner approach to power production than nuclear fission and fossil fuels.
Fusion power offers the prospect of an almost inexhaustible source of energy for future generations, but it also presents so far insurmountable scientific and engineering challenges.

The main hope is centred on tokamak reactors which confine a deuterium-tritium plasma magnetically.

France will get to host the project to build a 10bn-euro (£6.6bn) nuclear fusion reactor, in the face of strong competition from Japan.

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) will be
the most expensive joint scientific project after the International Space Station.

Some green groups criticised Tuesday's announcement as a waste of money.
"Governments should not waste our money on a dangerous toy which will never deliver any useful energy. Instead, they should invest in renewable energy which is abundantly available, not in 2080 but today."

A tua boca como um buraco luminoso, arterial.
Somente pela sua presença desvela toda a maravilha dos impérios do mundo.

A paixão é voraz...É de ouro a paisagem que nasce

Montreal (Canada), 17-22 September. 1989

The purpose of this paper is to provide a general description of nuclear fusion as an energy option for the future and to clarify to some extent the various issues (scientific, technological, economic and environmental) which are likely to be relevant to controlled thermonuclear fusion.

Section 1 describes the world energy problem and some advantages of nuclear fusion compared to other energy options. Sections 2 and 3 describe the fundamentals of fusion energy, plasma confinement, heating, and technological aspects of fusion researches. Some plasma confinement schemes (tokamak, stellarator, and inertial confinement fusion) are described

London, 24 May 2004

James Lovelock is an independent scientist, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis which considers the Earth as a self-regulating organism, and a member of EFN - the association of Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy - www.ecolo.org

With six billion, and growing, few options remain; we can not continue drawing energy from fossil fuels and there is no chance that the renewables, wind, tide and water power can provide enough energy and in time. The Earth is already so disabled by the insidious poison of greenhouse gases that even if we stop all fossil fuel burning immediately, the consequences of what we have already done will last for 1,000 years. Every year that we continue burning carbon makes it worse for our descendants and for civilisation.

Nuclear power is the only green: solution. We have no time to experiment with visionary energy sources;civilisation is in imminent danger.Opposition to nuclear energy is based on irrational fear fed by Hollywood-style fiction, the Green lobbies and the media. These fears are unjustified, and nuclear energy from its start in 1952 has proved to be the safest of all energy sources. We must stop fretting over the minute statistical risks of cancer from chemicals or radiation. Nearly one third of us will die of cancer anyway, mainly because we breathe air laden with that all pervasive carcinogen, oxygen.

Cadarache, 27th January 2007

On earth, fusion research is aimed at demonstrating that this energy source can be used to produce electricity in a safe and environmentally benign way, with abundant fuel resources, to meet the needs of a growing world population.

ITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. The partners in the project - the ITER Parties - are the European Union (represented by EURATOM), Japan, the People´s Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA. ITER will be constructed in Europe, at Cadarache in the South of France.


NARNIA said...

Zerinhos... Sapinho lindo.
Vejo que continuas "irrequieto bloguisticamente" rsrs

Deixo um beijo *

1.01 said...

Beijo também para ti :)

sonho said...

está, de facto, uma mistura "explosiva"...

poderias analisar, também, as renováveis...

(ih ih ih)

agora a sério

as figuras são fantásticas!!!

o resto...

é discutível...

(menos a sério...)

(para um anarca ...)

beijo. imenso.

1.01 said...

As renovaveis?
e ja agora o racionamento de carbono...
a fome...

Sabes, nao ha nada a fazer, a paixao e' voraz, como diz HHelder.

O Homem nao se contenta com pouco. Se for preciso rouba e esfola, oprime, massacra.

Nao, tem de haver muito, MUIto MUITO, excesso.

A bondade esta assente na generosidade, a generosidade no excesso, no obscena generosidade do excesso.

*** imensos

A. said...

_______the remedy for cold is heat

_____Kiss the sun,
__just do it.