Is this your goal, your final needs, where dogs and vultures eat?
Committed still, I turn to go - I put my trust in you -
Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
Custody; care.
Something committed into the care of another; charge.
The condition and resulting obligation of having confidence placed in one: violated a public trust.
to have confidence or faith; to believe. Example: She trusted (in) him.
Arabic: يَثِقُ في Chinese (Simplified):信任 Chinese (Traditional):信任 Czech:důvěřovat Danish: have tillid til; stole på Dutch: vertrouwen Estonian:uskuma Finnish:luottaa French:avoir confiance (en) German: vertrauen Greek: εμπιστεύομαι Hungarian: megbízik (vkiben v. vmiben) Icelandic: treysta
Indonesian: mempercayai Italian: avere fiducia* Japanese: 信頼する Korean: 신뢰하다 Latvian: ticēt Lithuanian: tikėti Norwegian: stole, *lite på Polish: zaufać Portuguese (Brazil): confiar Portuguese (Portugal): confiar Romanian: a avea încredere (în), a se încrede (în) Russian: доверять; верить
Slovak: dôverovať, veriť Slovenian: zaupati Spanish: confiar (en) Swedish: lita på, ha förtroende för Turkish:güvenmek, inanmak
Indonesian: mempercayai Italian: avere fiducia* Japanese: 信頼する Korean: 신뢰하다 Latvian: ticēt Lithuanian: tikėti Norwegian: stole, *lite på Polish: zaufać Portuguese (Brazil): confiar Portuguese (Portugal): confiar Romanian: a avea încredere (în), a se încrede (în) Russian: доверять; верить
Slovak: dôverovať, veriť Slovenian: zaupati Spanish: confiar (en) Swedish: lita på, ha förtroende för Turkish:güvenmek, inanmak

Two the same, set free too - I always looked to you -
- We fought for good, stood side by side - our friendship never died
On stranger ways, the lows and highs - our vision touched the skies
s.h.e d.o.n.t t.r.u.s.t
...e ponto final.
(é triste ter de dar tantas cabeçadas para aprender. mas é inevitavel___________________...)
beijo C.
ponto de exclamação.
ponto de interrogação.
Springtime was always my favorite time of year,
A time 4 lovers holding hands in the rain
Now springtime only reminds me of Tracy's tears
Always cry 4 love, never cry 4 pain
He used 2 say so strong unafraid to die
Unafraid of the death that left me hypnotized
No, staring at his picture I realized
No one could cry the way my Tracy cried
Sometimes it snows in April
(Evitem-me, porque sou sempre triste numa zona da não matéria em que ninguém me leva os desejos.Evitem-me, porque gosto de outra maneira que não sabe ser igual ao que está escrito e arranha quem se dispõe a mim...)
...unhas alerta.como sentidos.
sou bicho.sou.não gosto de o ser___________________mas sou.
y.o.u k.n.o.w____s.o.m.e.t.i.m.e.s i.t g.e.t.s c.o.lçd i.n h.e.r.e
. de exclamação
. de exclamação
. de exclamação
(Evitem-me, sem deixarem de estar aqui porque são vocês que me fazem nascer e reinventar todas as manhãs..._________________________
__________________________________) sweet sweet f. with C.
* tantos
the remedy for cold is heat
Kiss the sun,
just do it.
Yes, ...& me/she, you-she, you-shi
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Tu És,
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